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What is a “compliance advice letter”? Julia Broughton
9 September 2019 at 10:29

Investigating complaints is an important function of our office and a considerable part of our workload. When we receive a complaint, we make an initial assessment about what steps we will take next. In some circumstances, we will investigate. In other instances, our office may decline to investigate.

Click to consent? Not good enough anymore John Edwards
2 September 2019 at 13:08

One of the most pervasive and persistent problems of privacy and data protection in the digital age is how to move the burden from consumers to read terms and conditions for services they are using, to the service providers to ensure they are clearly explaining the choices that consumers have, and the consequences for them.

Have you read your privacy policies? Graydon Hayes
16 August 2019 at 13:37

In 2019, privacy policies are omnipresent. We’ve all seen them, we’ve all scrolled quickly to the bottom of the page, and we’ve all clicked “I accept,” granting us access to the wonders of the internet. But when you are presented with a privacy policy on a website, how often do you actually read it?

Opinion: Why do we need independent advocacy for consumers? Jon Duffy
15 August 2019 at 10:30

Modern consumers are unlikely to be harmed by faulty wiring in their toasters. They might have been 60 years ago when Consumer NZ was founded. The work of consumer organisations in independently testing and holding substandard producers accountable has been critical in getting us to this point.

Photocopying proof of identity Eve Kennedy
9 August 2019 at 15:41

A man complained to us last year after staff took a copy of his driver’s licence as he checked in to a hotel. The complainant was surprised that staff copied his licence and they couldn’t tell him why they needed the copy or how long they would keep it for.

Your DNA is only a click away: Home DNA tests and privacy Feilidh Dwyer
6 August 2019 at 09:53

Since 2007, companies like 23andMe.com and Ancestry.com have made at-home DNA testing kits accessible to the masses. Through a simple online order, you can receive a kit, provide a saliva sample and return it to the company for analysis.

Netflix’s The Great Hack review: An insight into the threat big tech companies pose for democracies Feilidh Dwyer
5 August 2019 at 12:35

“Our personal data is out there and being used against us in ways we don’t understand.” – Assoc Prof David Carroll.

Guest post: Outsourcing your Privacy Officer obligation Paul Holmes – Managing Director of INFO by Design
2 August 2019 at 09:31

Personal information is taonga (a treasure). Every day, people provide business and government with information about themselves in order to access products and services that are of value to them. This exchange happens according to tiakitanga (trust that that personal information will be respected, protected and valued).