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An older woman wtih long grey hair and glasses sits on a black couch with a child of about 10. They are looking at a tablet together. The woman wears khaki trousers and a cream shirt. The child is wearing denim overalls.Use our enquiry form to contact the team and have your privacy questions answered. We aim to ensure that you're treated fairly, whatever your background or circumstances. We will aim to work in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1993.

Report privacy breaches or complaints

Getting in touch with our office

Please note: Our staff have experienced an increase in abusive behaviour recently and that won’t be tolerated. If you can’t engage with us in a respectful manner, then we reserve the right not to engage with you. Read more information about this approach in our service charter.

  • Phone us on 0800 803 909 Monday to Friday │10am to 3pm
  • Fill in our enquiry form
  • Email enquiries@privacy.org.nz
  • Write to us at PO Box 10 094, Wellington 6140.
  • Visits to our office are by appointment only.

If you have a preferred communication method, please contact us and let us know what we can do to help.

If you haven't checked the website, we will direct you there first.

Media enquiries

Journalists with media enquiries should email media@privacy.org.nz or call 021 959 050. We only check our media inbox Monday to Friday │9am to 5pm. Read information about what we can and cannot tell you about privacy breaches.

Policy advice for government agencies

The Cabinet Manual requires public sector agencies to consult with the Privacy Commissioner on any proposal with privacy implications (see paragraphs 5.19, 7.68, 8.6, 8.72-78 and 8.86-89). Our policy team is responsible for reviewing and commenting on these policy and legislative proposals. To contact us, please email policy@privacy.org.nz.

Read more about how our process works and what you need to do.

Official Information Act (OIA) requests

Please email an OIA request to oia@privacy.org.nz

Order brochures

We’re happy to send privacy rights brochures to you free of charge, for distribution out to your customers. Please email us the number of brochures you need and a postal address to commsteam@privacy.org.nz

Need a faster answer?

We’ve already answered 630 of New Zealander’s most popular privacy questions, which you can search on AskUs – just ask us a question.

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner's NZBN is 9429041913161.