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About OPC

The Information Matching Agreements finalised under the Privacy Act 1993 continue in force under the Privacy Act 2020 (Schedule 1, section 11)

The Privacy Commissioner monitors information matching by government departments. (Other countries call it data matching). The Privacy Act (part 7 subpart 4 and Schedule 6) provide a set of rules about the supervision and operation of authorised information matching programmes.

Public reporting on information matching

Information matching provisions are authorised by statute and these are listed in Schedule 5 of the Privacy Act. Our list can be found later on this page.

A person sitting at a desk, writing on a piece of paper.

A person's privacy can be affected by information matching when agencies are:

  • using information obtained for one purpose for an unrelated purpose
  • 'fishing' in government records with the hope of finding wrongdoing
  • automating decisions affecting individuals and removing human judgment
  • presuming people guilty simply through their being listed in a computer or requiring people to prove their innocence
  • multiplying the effects on individuals of errors in some government databases
  • undermining personal information by dispersing information obtained by one agency in confidence onto a variety of other agencies' databases.

If unchecked, information or data matching would seriously undermine people's trust in government. To address the risks, the Privacy Act regulates the practice of information matching in the public sector. It does this by having the following controls put in place:

  • Authorisation - making sure that only programmes clearly justified in the public interest are approved.
  • Operation - ensuring that programmes are operated consistently with fair information practices.
  • Evaluation - subjecting programmes to periodic reviews and possible cancellation. 

See a list of all active information matching provisions and their compliance. The Privacy Act requires the organisations involved in each programme to display the agreement document and any variations on their own websites.

Information Matching (Compliance) Auditing

Part 7 of the Privacy Act regulates the operation of government information matching to minimise the privacy risks and maintain public confidence in the fair handling of data. The Privacy Commissioner oversees compliance with the controls in Part 7.

In response to the growth and changing nature of authorised information matching programmes, the compliance audit approach to reporting has been developed. The audit approach assesses compliance with the Privacy Act information matching controls in two parts:

  • the documentation audit, looks at departmental documentation, policies, codes of practice and guidelines
  • the process audit, focuses upon the agency management and staff involved in operating the programme.

The Privacy Act requires that the Commissioner review the operation of each information matching provision every five years. In these reviews under section 184 the Commissioner recommends whether a provision should continue, be amended, or be cancelled. These updates are included in each year’s Annual Report, as well as in the table below.

Information Matching Provisions and Compliance Ratings

We describe programmes’ compliance in the following manner:

Compliant [Yes]: where the evidence we have been provided indicates that the programme complies with the information matching rules.

Not compliant – minor technical issues [No - minor issues]: where reporting has identified practices that are not compliant with the information matching rules, but genuine efforts have been made to implement a compliant programme, and the risks to individual privacy are low.

Not compliant – substantive issues [No - substantive issues]: where reporting has identified practices that are not compliant with the information matching rules or other provisions of the Privacy Act that cannot be considered minor technical issues.

Inactive [Inactive]: where the programme has not been operated during the year. View a list of programmes that were inactive over all three years shown in the table.

Notes in each provision relate to the most recent compliance rating.


Compliance rating (2021-22)

Compliance rating (2022-23)

Compliance rating (2023-24)

Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 246 and Tax Administration Act 1994, Schedule 7 Part C subpart 2 cl 41


1.  IR/ACC Compensation and Levies

To confirm income amounts for compensation calculations.

Inland Revenue (IR) disclosure to ACC: For self-employed people, IR provides ACC with the full name, contact details, date of birth, IR number and earnings information. For employers, IR provides ACC with the name, address, IR number, and total employee earnings.

Note: Non-Compliant – Minor technical issues rating is due to elements of the extraction processing operating outside of the specifications in the TSR. A variation is required for ACC to become fully compliant.



No - minor issues

Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 280




2.  Corrections/ACC Prisoners

To ensure that prisoners do not continue to receive earnings-related accident compensation payments.

Corrections disclosure to ACC: Corrections provides ACC with the surname, given names, date of birth, gender, date received in prison and any aliases of all people newly admitted to prison.




Accident Compensation Act 2001, s 281




3.  ACC/MSD Benefit Eligibility

To identify individuals whose Ministry of Social Development (MSD) entitlement may have changed because they are receiving ACC payments, and to assist MSD in the recovery of outstanding debts.

ACC disclosure to MSD: ACC selects individuals who have either:

• claims where there has been no payment made to the claimant for six weeks (in case MSD needs to adjust its payments to make up any shortfall)

• current claims that have continued for two months since the first payment, or

• current claims that have continued for one year since the first payment.

For these people, ACC provides MSD with the full name (including aliases), date of birth, address, IR number, ACC claimant identifier, payment start/end dates and payment amounts.

Note: Non-Compliant – Minor technical issues rating is due to MSD discontinuing the manual process counting while awaiting a technical solution. They have not yet scheduled work on a programming substitute system.



No - minor issues

Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 2021 s 112




4.  BDM (Births)/IR Newborns Tax Number

To enable birth information to be confirmed in order to allocate an IR number to a new-born child.

Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) disclosure to IR: The information includes the child’s full name, sex, citizenship status and birth registration number. Additionally, the full name, address and date of birth of both mother and father are provided.




5.  BDM (Births)/MoE Student Birth Confirmation

To improve the quality and integrity of data held on the National Student Index (NSI) and reduce compliance costs for students by verifying their details for tertiary education organisations.

BDM disclosure to Ministry of Education: BDM provides names, gender, date of birth of New Zealand- born citizens.




6.  BDM (Births)/MoH NHI and Mortality Register

To verify and update information on the National Health Index and to compile mortality statistics.

BDM disclosure to Ministry of Health (MoH): BDM provides child’s names, gender, date of birth, place of birth, ethnicity, and parents’ names, occupations, date of birth, place of birth, address(es) and ethnicities. BDM also indicates whether the baby was stillborn.




7.  BDM/MSD Identity Verification

To confirm the validity of birth certificates used by clients when applying for financial assistance, and to verify that clients are not on the NZ Deaths Register.

BDM disclosure to MSD: BDM provides birth and death information for the 90 years prior to the extraction date.

The birth details include the full name, gender, date of birth and place of birth, birth registration number and full name of both mother and father. The death details include the full name, gender, date of birth, date of death, home address, death registration number and spouse’s full name.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues


8. BDM (Deaths)/GSF Eligibility

To identify members or beneficiaries of the Government Superannuation Fund (GSF) who have died.

BDM disclosure to GSF: BDM provides information from the New Zealand Deaths Register covering the 12 weeks prior to the extraction date. The information includes the full name at birth, full name at death, gender, date of birth, date of death, place of birth, and number of years lived in New Zealand (if not born in New Zealand).




9.  BDM (Deaths)/INZ Deceased Temporary Visa Holders

To identify and remove or update the records of people who are deceased from the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) database of overstayers and temporary permit holders.

BDM provides information from the Deaths Register covering the six months prior to the extract date. The information includes full name at birth, full name at death, gender, birth date, death date, country of birth, and number of years lived in New Zealand.

Note: Non-Compliant – Minor technical issues rating is due to INZ indicating it did not keep a record of the number of records received for the last part of 2023.



No - minor issues

10.  BDM (Deaths)/IR Deceased Taxpayers

To identify taxpayers who have died so that IR can close accounts where activity has ceased.

BDM disclosure to IR: BDM provides death information including the full name, gender, date of birth, date of death, home address, death registration number and spouse’s details.




11.  BDM (Deaths)/MoH NHI and Mortality Register

To verify and update information on the NHI and to compile mortality statistics.

BDM disclosure to MoH: BDM provides full name (including name at birth if different from current name), address, occupation, ethnicity and gender, date and place of birth, date and place of death, and cause(s) of death.




12.  BDM (Deaths)/MSD Deceased Persons

To identify current clients who have died so that MSD can stop making payments in a timely manner.

BDM disclosure to MSD: BDM provides death information for the week prior to the extraction date. The death details include the full name, gender, date of birth, date of death, home address, death registration number and spouse’s full name.




13. BDM (Deaths)/NPF Eligibility

To identify members or beneficiaries of the National Provident Fund (NPF) who have died.

BDM disclosure to NPF: BDM provides information from the New Zealand Deaths Register covering the 12 weeks prior to the extraction date. The information includes the full name at birth, full name at death, gender, date of birth, date of death, place of birth, and number of years lived in New Zealand (if not born in New Zealand).




14.  BDM (Deaths)/NZTA Deceased Driver License Holders

To improve the quality and integrity of data held on the Driver License Register by identifying license holders who have died.

BDM disclosure to New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA): BDM provides death information for the fortnight prior to the extraction date. The death details include the full name (including name at birth if different from current name), gender, date and place of birth, date of death, home address and death registration number.




15.  BDM (Marriages)/MSD Married Persons Benefit Eligibility

To identify current clients who have married so that MSD can update client records and reassess their eligibility for benefits and allowances.

BDM disclosure to MSD: BDM provides marriage information covering the week prior to the extraction date. The marriage details include the full names of each spouse (including name at birth if different from current name), their date of birth and addresses, and registration and marriage dates.




16.  BDM/DIA(Citizenship) Citizenship Application Processing

To verify a parent’s citizenship status if required for determining an applicant’s eligibility for New Zealand citizenship.

BDM disclosure to Citizenship (DIA): Possible matches from the Births, Deaths, and Marriages (relationships) databases are displayed to Citizenship staff as they process each application. These details include full name, gender, date of birth, place of birth and parents’ full names.




17.  BDM/DIA(Passports) Passport Eligibility

To verify, by comparing details with the Births, Deaths and Marriages registers, whether a person is eligible for a passport, and to detect fraudulent applications.

BDM disclosure to Passports (DIA): Possible matches from the Births, Deaths and Marriages (relationships) databases are displayed to Passports staff as they process each application. The details displayed include full name, gender and date of birth.




18.  BDM/MSD Overseas Born Name Change

To verify a client’s eligibility or continuing eligibility to a benefit where a client has legally changed their name in New Zealand and not informed MSD. The programme is also used to identify debtors and suspected benefit fraud.

BDM provides name change records from January 2009 to the extract date. The name change details include the full name at birth, former full name, new full name, birth date, residential address, and country of birth.


No - minor issues


Citizenship Act 1977, s 26A




19.  DIA (Citizenship)/BDM Citizenship by Birth Processing

To enable the Registrar-General to determine the citizenship-by-birth status of a person born in New Zealand on or after 1 January 2006, for the purpose of recording the person’s citizenship status on his or her birth registration entry.

BDM disclosure to Citizenship (DIA): For birth registration applications, when no parental birth record can be found, a request is transferred electronically to the citizenship unit to be manually checked against the relevant citizenship records. The information supplied includes the child’s date of birth, and parents’ full names and
birth details.

Citizenship (DIA) disclosure to BDM: Citizenship responds to these requests by stating either the type of qualifying record found or that qualifying records were not found.




20.  DIA(Citizenship)/DIA(Passports) Passport Eligibility

To verify a person’s eligibility to hold a New Zealand passport from Citizenship database information.

Citizenship (DIA) disclosure to Passports (DIA): Possible matches from the Citizenship database are displayed to Passports staff as they process each application. The possible matches may involve one or more records. The details displayed include full name, date of birth, country of birth and the date that citizenship was granted.




21.  DIA(Citizenship)/INZ Entitlement to Reside

To remove from the Immigration New Zealand (INZ) overstayer records the names of people who have been granted New Zealand citizenship.

Citizenship (DIA) disclosure to INZ: Citizenship provides information from the Citizenship Register about people who have been granted citizenship. Each record includes full name, gender, date of birth, country of birth and citizenship person number.




Corrections Act 2004, s 180




22.  Corrections/MSD Prisoners

To detect people who are receiving income support payments while imprisoned, and to assist MSD in the recovery of outstanding debts.

Corrections disclosure to MSD: Each day, Corrections sends MSD details about all prisoners who are admitted, on muster or released from prison. Details disclosed include the full name (including aliases), date of birth, prisoner unique identifier and prison location, along with incarceration date, parole eligibility date and statutory release date.

Note: Non-compliant – minor issues rating is due to MSD discontinuing the manual counting pending a technical solution and the files used for data transfer are deleted after 30 days, instead of the specified 28 days.



No - minor issues

Corrections Act 2004, s 181 and Immigration Act 2009, s 294




23.  Corrections/INZ Prisoners

To identify prisoners who fall within the deportation provisions of the Immigration Act 2009 as a result of their criminal convictions, or are subject to deportation because their visa to be in New Zealand has expired.

Corrections disclosure to INZ: Corrections discloses information about all newly admitted prisoners. Each prisoner record includes full name (and known aliases), date and place of birth, gender, prisoner unique identifier, and name of the prison facility. Each prisoner’s offence and sentence information is also included.

INZ disclosure to Corrections: For prisoners who are subject to removal or deportation orders, and who have no further means of challenging those orders, INZ discloses the full name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, prisoner unique identifier, immigration status and details of removal action that INZ intends to take.




Customs and Excise Act 2018, s 306




24.  Customs/IR Student Loan Alerts

To identify overseas based borrowers in serious default of their student loan repayment obligations who leave for, or return from, overseas so that IR can take steps to recover the outstanding debt.

IR disclosure to Customs: IR provides Customs with the full name, date of birth, and IR number of borrowers in serious default of their student loan obligations.

Customs disclosure to IR: Customs provides IR with the person’s arrival card information. This includes the full name, date of birth, and date, time and direction of travel including New Zealand port and prime overseas port (last port of call for arrivals and first port of call for departures).




25.  Customs/IR Student Loan Interest

To detect student loan borrowers who leave for, or return from, overseas so that IR can administer the student loan scheme and its interest-free conditions.

IR disclosure to Customs: IR provides Customs with the full name, date of birth, and IR number for student loan borrowers who have a loan of more than $20.

Customs disclosure to IR: For possible matches to borrowers, Customs provides the full name, date of birth, IR number and date, time and direction of travel.




Customs and Excise Act 2018, s 307




26.  Customs/IR Child Support Alerts

To identify parents in serious default of their child support liabilities who leave for or return from overseas so that IR can take steps to recover the outstanding debt.

IR disclosure to Customs: IR provides Customs with the full name, date of birth, and IR number of parents in serious default of their child support liabilities.

Customs disclosure to IR: Customs provides IR with the person’s arrival card information. This includes the full name, date of birth, and date, time and direction of travel including New Zealand port and prime overseas port (last port of call for arrivals and first port of call for departures).




Customs and Excise Act 2018, s 310




27.  Customs/Justice Fines Defaulters Alerts

To improve the enforcement of fines by identifying serious fines defaulters as they cross New Zealand borders, and to increase voluntary compliance through publicity about the programme targeted at travellers.

Justice disclosure to Customs: Justice provides Customs with the full name, date of birth, gender and Justice unique identifier number of serious fines defaulters for inclusion on the ‘silent alerts’ or ‘interception alerts’ lists.

Customs disclosure to Justice: For each alert triggered, Customs supplies the full name, date of birth, gender, nationality and presented passport number, along with details about the intended or just completed travel.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating due to an aspect of reporting for this programme which is no longer fit for purpose and has led to underreporting on the outcomes of intercepts. Justice anticipates a fix to be implemented by Dec 2024.



No - minor issues

Education and Training Act 2020, schedule 3 cl 9




28.  MoE/Teaching Council Registration

To ensure teachers are correctly registered (Teaching Council) and paid correctly (Ministry of Education).

MoE disclosure to Teaching Council: MoE provides full name, date of birth, gender, address, school(s) employed at, number of half days worked, registration number (if known), and MoE employee number.

Teaching Council disclosure to MoE: The Teaching Council provides full name, date of birth, gender, address, registration number, registration expiry date, registration classification and MoE employee number (if confirmed).




Education and Training Act 2020, schedule 9 cl 7




29.  MoE/MSD (StudyLink) Results of Study

To determine eligibility for student loans and/or allowance by verifying students’ study results.

MSD StudyLink disclosure to Ministry of Education (MoE): StudyLink provides MoE with the student’s name(s) (in abbreviated form), date of birth, IR number, first known study start date, end date (date of request), known education provider(s) used by this student and student ID number.

MoE disclosure to MSD StudyLink: MoE returns to StudyLink information showing all providers and courses used by the student, course dates, course equivalent full-time student rating and course completion code.




Education and Training Act 2020, schedule 9 cl 8 & 9




30.  Educational Institutions/MSD (Study Link) Loans and Allowances

To verify student enrolment information to confirm entitlement to allowances and loans.

MSD StudyLink disclosure to educational institutions: When requesting verification of student course enrolments, MSD StudyLink provides the educational institution the student’s full name, date of birth, MSD client number and student ID number.

Educational institutions’ disclosure to MSD StudyLink: The educational institutions return to MSD StudyLink the student’s enrolled name, date of birth, MSD client number, student ID number and study details.




Electoral Act 1993, s 263A




31.  INZ/EC Unqualified Voters

To identify, from immigration records, those on the electoral roll who appear not to meet New Zealand residency requirements, so their names may be removed from the roll.

INZ disclosure to the Electoral Commission (EC): INZ provides full name (including aliases), date of birth, address and permit expiry date. The type of permit can be identified because five separate files are received, each relating to a different permit type.




Electronic Identity Verification Act 2012, s 39




32.  DIA Identity Verification Service (IVS)

To verify identity information provided by an applicant in support of their application for issuance, renewal, amendment, or cancellation of an Electronic Identity Credential, or to keep the core information contained in an EIC accurate and up to date.

Births disclosure to IVS: Child’s names, gender, date of birth, place of birth, country of birth, citizenship by birth status, marriage date, registration number, mother’s names, father’s names, since died indicator and still born indicator.

Deaths disclosure to IVS: Names, gender, date of birth, place of birth, date of death, place of death and age at death.

Marriages disclosure to IVS: Names, date of birth, date of marriage, registration number, country of birth, gender, place of marriage, spouse’s names.

Citizenship disclosure to IVS: Names, gender, date of birth, place of birth, photograph, citizenship person identifier, citizenship certificate number, certificate type and certificate status.

Passports disclosure to IVS: Names, gender, date of birth, place of birth, photograph, passport person identifier, passport number, date passport issued, date passport expired and passport status.

Immigration disclosure to IVS: Whether a match is found, client ID number and any of the pre-defined set of identity related alerts.




Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Australia) Order 2017




33.  Australia (Centrelink)/MSD Change in Circumstances

For MSD and Centrelink (the Australian Government agency administering social welfare payments) to exchange benefit and pension applications, and changes of client information.

Centrelink disclosure to MSD: When Australian social welfare records are updated for people noted as having New Zealand social welfare records, Centrelink automatically sends an update to MSD including the full name, marital status, address, bank account, benefit status, residency status, income change, MSD client number and Australian Customer Reference Number.

MSD disclosure to Centrelink: MSD automatically sends the same fields of information to Centrelink when New Zealand social welfare records are updated, if the person is noted as having an Australian social welfare record.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues


Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Canada) Order 1996




34.  Canada/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and Canada.

Canada disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Canada: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to MSD yet to confirm that they fixed the of notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlement not sent, but adverse action letters advising of actual changes are sent

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Denmark) Order 1997




35.  Denmark/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and Denmark.

Denmark disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Denmark: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to the fact that MSD has yet to confirm the ongoing resolution regarding notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlements.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with the Hellenic Republic) Order 1993




36.  Hellenic Republic/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and the Hellenic Republic.

Hellenic Republic disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Hellenic Republic: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to MSD yet to confirm resolution to the gaps identified in the notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlement not sent.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Ireland) Order 1993




37.  Ireland/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and Ireland.

Ireland disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Ireland: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to MSD yet to confirm resolution to the gaps identified in the notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlement not sent.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Jersey and Guersney) Order 1995




38.  Jersey and Guernsey/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and Jersey and Guernsey.

Jersey and Guernsey disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Jersey and Guernsey: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to MSD yet to confirm resolution to the gaps identified in the notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlement not sent.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with Malta) Order 2013




39.  Malta/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and Malta.

Malta disclosure to MSD: Includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Maltese Identity Card and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to Malta: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and MSD client number.




Social Security Act 2018, s 380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with the Netherlands) Order 2003




40.  Netherlands/MSD Change in Circumstances

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and the Netherlands.

MSD disclosure to Netherlands: MSD forwards the appropriate application forms to the Netherlands Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). The forms include details such as the full names, dates of birth, addresses and MSD client number.

Netherlands disclosure to MSD: SVB responds with the SVB reference number.




41.  Netherlands/MSD General Adjustment

To enable the processing of general adjustments to benefit rates for individuals receiving pensions from both New Zealand and the Netherlands.

MSD disclosure to Netherlands: For MSD clients in receipt of both New Zealand and Netherlands pensions, MSD provides the Netherlands Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) with the changed superannuation payment information, the MSD client reference number and the Netherlands unique identifier.

Netherlands disclosure to MSD: SVB advises adjustments to payment rates and the ‘holiday pay’ bonus.




Social Security Act 2018, s.380 and Social Security (Reciprocity with the Republic of Korea) Order 2021




42.  South Korea/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

South Korea disclosure to MSD: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Korean National Pension Number (or Korean Resident Registration Number).

MSD disclosure to South Korea: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and New Zealand Client Number.




Social Security Act 2018, s.380 and Social Security (Reciprocity with the United Kingdom) Order 1990




43.  United Kingdom/MSD Social Welfare Reciprocity

To enable the transfer of applications for benefits and pensions, and advice of changes in circumstances, between New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

UK disclosure to MSD: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and Social Security numbers.

MSD disclosure to UK: includes full name, date of birth, marital status, address, entitlement information and New Zealand Client Number.

Note: Non-compliant – minor technical issues rating is due to MSD yet to confirm resolution to the gaps identified in the notice of Information Matching letter advising of process around changes to entitlement not sent.

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

No - minor issues

Social Security Act 2018, Schedule 6, cl 13




44.  MSD/Justice Fines Defaulters Tracing

To enable the Ministry of Justice to locate people who have outstanding fines in order to enforce payment.

Justice disclosure to MSD: Justice selects fines defaulters for whom it has been unable to find a current address from other sources (including the IR/Justice Fines Defaulters Tracing Programme), and sends the full name, date of birth and a data matching reference number to MSD.

MSD disclosure to Justice: For matched records, MSD returns the last known residential address, postal address, residential, cellphone and work phone numbers, and the unique identifier originally provided by Justice.




Social Security Act 2018, Schedule 6, cl 15




45.  Justice/MSD Warrants to Arrest

To enable MSD to suspend or reduce the benefits of people who have an outstanding warrant to arrest for criminal proceedings.

Justice disclosure to MSD: Justice provides MSD with the full name (and alias details), date of birth, address, Justice unique identifier and warrant to arrest details.




Tax Administration Act 1994, Schedule 7 Part C subpart 2 cl 43




46.  IR/Justice Fines Defaulters Tracing

To enable the Ministry of Justice to locate people who have outstanding fines in order to enforce payment.

Justice disclosure to IR: Justice selects fines defaulters for whom it has been unable to find a current address, and sends the full name, date of birth, and a data matching reference number to IR.

IR disclosure to Justice: For matched records, IR supplies the current address and all known telephone numbers for the person, the name, address, and contact numbers of the person’s employer or employers, and the unique identifier originally provided by Justice.




Inactive programmes

    1. The Electoral Commission did not operate their programme of five matches to invite people to enrol under the Electoral Act 1993, s.263B.
      • DIA (Citizenship)/EC Unenrolled Voters
      • DIA (Passports)/EC Unenrolled Voters
      • MSD/EC Unenrolled Voters
      • NZTA (Driver Licence)/EC Unenrolled Voters
      • NZTA (Vehicle Registration)/EC Unenrolled Voters
    1. The Ministry of Health did not operate the Publicly Funded Health Eligibility match under the Immigration Act 2009, s.300. MOH will resume this match in the 2024/2025 year.

    2. The Ministry of Justice did not operate the Fines Defaulters Tracing match with Immigration NZ under s.295 of the Immigration Act 2009. There are no plans to reinstate this match. On this basis, in August 2023, the Commissioner recommended that this programme is repealed, which requires a legislative change to the Immigration Act.

    3. The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment did not operate the two matches, to identify unlicenced motor vehicle traders, under Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003, s.120 and s.121 with Customs Service; or under Motor Vehicle Sales Act 2003, s.122 and s.123 with the New Zealand Transport Agency. These matches are suspended while the programme is being reviewed.

    4. The Ministry for Social Development did not operate the Customs/MSD Periods of Residence Match with Australia under the Customs and Excise Act 2018, s.309, nor the Netherlands Tax Information Match under the Social Security Act 2018, s.380 and Social Welfare (Reciprocity with the Netherlands) Order 2003. The matching programme with Australia was suspended in 2012, and the matching programme with the Netherlands was suspended in 2011.