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Events are a great way for us to promote privacy issues, and answer questions. Our people speak to a range of audiences across New Zealand about privacy issues. The Commissioner is often asked to be a keynote speaker at conferences. If you’d like to request a speaker please email commsteam@privacy.org.nz
Every May we organise and run Privacy Week, a series of free webinars for privacy novices as well as privacy professionals. We organise the Sir Bruce Slane Lecture every two years and promote Right to Know Day on 28 September.
You might also like to connect with a network of privacy professionals at the Privacy Officer’s Round Table.
During May each year we run Privacy Week, a series of free webinars that promote privacy awareness regardless of how much you already know. Contact us at privacyweek@privacy.org.nz
Privacy Week is held in conjunction with Privacy Awareness Week, an initiative by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) network. Find out more about APPA and Privacy Awareness Week.
2024Previous years’ webinar recordings can be watched on our YouTube page.
The Sir Bruce Slane Memorial Lecture is delivered every two years by an invited guest, and always on a topic of privacy law. Sir Bruce Slane was New Zealand’s first Privacy Commissioner. Read more about this life.
2025 lecture
Planning is underway.
2023 lecture
Professor Nicole Moreham
Balancing privacy and other interests in the social media age
(Regular lectures interrupted by COVID-19 pandemic).
2018 lecture
Hon Justice Helen Winkelmann
Privacy law at a cross roads: can the courts provide
Right to Know Day is on 28 September each year and promotes the legal right all New Zealanders have to see the information that organisations hold about them. Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to ask for personal information about you. You can do that using our About Me tool.
Personal information can include simple details such as your name, address and your pay slips. It can also include any sensitive records such as medical test results and notes.
Download a Right to Know factsheet.
Our recorded events and webinars can be watched on our YouTube channel.