PBN23505 [2024] NZPrivCmr1 - Ultimate Care Group Limited
A two-year delay in reporting a notifiable privacy breach to the Privacy Commissioner raised several privacy issues.
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When our Compliance Team works on a privacy breach notification, they often see things that others could learn from. Decision Notes tell the stories and reasoning behind the decisions of our Compliance Team's work.
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A two-year delay in reporting a notifiable privacy breach to the Privacy Commissioner raised several privacy issues.
In early 2023, we received a series of complaints and enquiries about property ownership information published on web platform WhatDoesMyLandlordOwn.org.nz.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has issued a compliance notice to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
The final report on OPC's 2019 spot checks on national credit reporting agencies compliance with the Privacy Act and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has run a second trial on government and law enforcement requests and demands for personal information.
The Privacy Commissioner has found that TD Drilling breached principles 5 and 6 of the Privacy Act in withholding and then losing employee information.
The results of the OPC's 2015 spot check on credit reporting agency compliance with the Privacy Act and the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.
The Privacy Commissioner has received over 100 complaints and enquiries to date about the privacy implications of local govt property and building information.
Government agencies made nearly 12,000 requests for personal information from 10 New Zealand companies last year, according to a new OPC report.
The Privacy Commissioner has conducted an investigation into Profile Engine’s process for deleting personal information on request.
Report by the Privacy Commissioner into Veda Advantage’s charge for urgent requests for personal information.
The Chief Ombudsman and the Privacy Commissioner undertook a joint investigation on the Earthquake Commission's handling of information requests in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquakes.
The Independent Review of ACC's Privacy and Security of Information report was commissioned jointly by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and the ACC Board following the unauthorised disclosure of client details.