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On this section of the site, you'll find our publications and guidance materials. You can find different categories of information using the links on the left hand side of this page.

Latest in Publications

Displaying 1 - 10 of 962

Care is needed with data anonymisation

Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster says agencies using data anonymisation and de-identification techniques are accountable for making sure they protect people

New and updated Ask Us questions

AskUs is our database of questions and short answers about popular privacy topics. We’ve recently made some updates to keep it being a useful resource.

Free privacy brochures and posters

Our brochure covers New Zealander’s privacy rights and can be printed from our website or couriered to you as professionally-printed handouts.

Privacy News - July 2024

This issue we launch Poupou Matatapu,  talk about the Consumer and Product Data Bill and Privacy Amendment Bill and share GCPO's information sharing guidance.

New Zealand - EU data protection adequacy

The Privacy Commissioner provides data privacy adequacy reporting to the European Commission. The reports provide updates of NZ's data protection environment.

See our Compliance Team's work

Our Compliance Team are responsible for making sure New Zealand's agencies, businesses, and organisations are doing privacy well. Here's their 23/24 work.