What are the rules for flying drones?

Drone operators must follow the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rules for drones, which you can find on its website(external link).

If the drone is operated by an agency and recording information about an identifiable individual the Privacy Act may be engaged. For general guidance on what someone making a recording by drone will need to consider, they should refer to our guidelines for CCTV(external link). For example, the agency needs to consider what the drone will be filming and whether that information is necessary for the agency to carry out its work, how the agency will inform the public that they are being recorded, how the recorded footage is being kept safe and secure, etc.

Where an individual is operating a drone which is collecting footage for their own personal use, generally this won’t raise issues under the Privacy Act. However, if the collection is highly offensive to the average person (for instance they were using their drone to film into peoples’ bedrooms and bathrooms), then this may breach the Privacy Act (or potentially raise criminal issues). Read our guidance on drones here.