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The Privacy Amendment Bill is making its way through Parliament, and we know organisations are starting to think about how this will impact them. We’ve put together key information on the Bill, which we’ll update as it progresses.

One of the important changes in the Bill is adding Information Privacy Principle (IPP)3A. We’ll be developing guidance for organisations on the requirements of IPP3A, as well as reviewing OPC’s Codes of Practice to determine whether any amendments are required.

In the meantime digital.govt.nz has an overview of IPP3A – planning for indirect notification requirements.

When is this happening?
The Minister of Justice has indicated that the commencement date will be six months after the Act passes. We’re aiming to have the guidance developed and published on our website to allow organisations plenty of time to implement the requirements of the new Act.

We'll engage with our audiences to make sure we cover your needs
We’ll be doing targeted engagement on the draft guidance as part of its development. If your agency would like to be on the list for this, please email guidance@privacy.org.nz

Tell us what would help you
We know agencies may have specific questions or concerns that they’ll want the guidance to address. Please send these through for our consideration. We may not be able to include everything, or respond directly to your specific comments, but we will consider them as part of the drafting process.

If you have any particular scenarios you want us to consider in our guidance let us know. You can send these to guidance@privacy.org.nz