2024 biennial survey on privacy
We conduct regular two yearly research among the general public to measure awareness, knowledge and levels of concern around privacy.
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We conduct regular two yearly research among the general public to measure awareness, knowledge and levels of concern around privacy.
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) conducts regular two-yearly research among the general public.
The Privacy Concerns and Sharing Data 2020 survey was commissioned by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and conducted by UMR Research.
The Privacy Concerns and Sharing Data 2018 survey was commissioned by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and conducted by UMR Research.
View the Colmar Bruton satisfaction survey which was undertaken to measure the satisfaction levels of participants in the complaints process and to identify areas for service improvements.
The Privacy Concerns & Sharing Data survey was commissioned by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and conducted by UMR Research from 30 Mar to 18 April 2016
The Individual Privacy & Personal Information poll was a telephone survey by UMR of 750 New Zealanders 18 years of age and older, conducted from 13 to 17 March 2014.
View the English language survey results and the English language redacted comments of the survey from the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities social media survey.
View the Spanish language survey results.
View the Chinese language survey results.
View the Korean language survey results.
Results in this survey showed that a large number of respondents that send information overseas do not check the overseas organisations' use and management of the information.
The issue of cloud computing' clearly has major benefits for businesses and government agencies but it also carries some risks.
This survey has found that both the private and public sectors need guidance in this area. While most of the organisations have controls to protect the security of personal information in transit, some have no control over what happens once the information is sent overseas or don't know if they have controls.
View the full report.
May 2011.
Results in this report are based upon questions asked in the UMR Research nation-wide omnibus survey. This is a telephone survey of a nationally representative sample of 750 New Zealanders 18 years of age and over.
Fieldwork was conducted from 18th to 23rd March 2010 at UMR Research's national interview facility in Auckland.
View the 26 page report.