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Found 12 results for "privacy 2.0"

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  1. Privacy 2.0: Tracking progress

    This is the second update in our Privacy 2.0 series.


    The end of 2019 is rolling in, and the Privacy Bill is in the House awaiting the Committee of the Whole House stage, and then its 3rd reading.

    A few commentators have referred to March 2020 as a commencement date, but we are expecting th…

  2. Privacy 2.0: GDPR, territorial scope and the Privacy Bill

    This is the third update in our Privacy 2.0 series.

    The territorial scope of privacy and data protection can be fundamental. When does one jurisdiction’s legal reach extend to the actions of organisations beyond its geographical borders?  

    Late last year, the European Data Protection Board (EDPD) …

  3. Privacy 2.0: Model contract clauses

    One of the key changes in the Privacy Bill is a new privacy principle 12.

    This adds new controls on the disclosure of personal information to foreign agencies or persons.

    Agencies will now be accountable for the international disclosure of personal information and will need to demonstrate that the…

  4. Privacy 2.0: The beginning

    This is the first in what will become a series of blog posts on the new Privacy Act, the changes, and what we’ll be doing to implement those law changes.

    We’ll try and cover all the key changes in the law and give readers a clear view on any areas they will need to address.

    This is the place to co…

  5. Privacy 2.0: New refusal grounds under the Privacy Act 2020

    Privacy principle 6 of the Privacy Act gives people the right to access their own personal information. With six weeks to go until the Privacy Act 2020 comes into force, it’s a good time to become familiar with the new refusal grounds under principle 6.

    Generally, an organisation must provide acces…

  6. Privacy 2.0: Key changes in the Privacy Act 2020

    The Privacy Bill passed the Committee of the Whole House stage in Parliament on 3 June, with the House sitting under urgency. A Supplementary Order Paper (SOP) successfully introduced a number of amendments – most notably, a new commencement date. Once passed by Parliament, the new Privacy Act will …

  7. A stellar week for privacy research

    If you’re interested in privacy research, you might want to be in Auckland during the week of 12-16 December. So much is going on that the Privacy Commissioner has named it Privacy Research Week.

    Here’s a glimpse of some of the principal events:

    Mon 12 December

    Tues 13 December

    Wed 14 December

  8. Funding privacy: Is New Zealand keeping up?

    Last year the OECD did a survey* of budget changes in ‘privacy enforcement authorities’. It was revealing. I was taken aback when I saw where New Zealand sat in relation to our most commonly compared OECD economies.

    This chart shows that for 2016-2017, New Zealand was one of only two countries whos…