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A gateway has been added from our website directly to the International Privacy Law Library (IPLL). If you haven’t heard about it, the online library contains the largest freely accessible and searchable collection of privacy law materials in the world and is a brilliant resource for anyone serious about privacy law.
The International Privacy Law Library enables online searches over more than 30 specialised privacy law databases, as well as incorporating privacy cases from numerous other databases of general court cases, legal articles and legislation. It is being constantly updated through a global network of legal information institutes.
If you scroll across to ‘about us’, and use the drop down menu to ‘International Privacy Law Library’, or follow this link, you will find a search box. Using that simple search box for your privacy law query, you will be taken to the World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII). Search results will open in a new page.
Although the library has been operating for more than a decade, it is in a process of major expansion as a result of grant received from the New Zealand Office of the Privacy Commissioner. Recent additions to the library have been a full set of APEC privacy law resources from 2005 onwards and all the opinions and recommendations of the European Union Article 29 Working Party since 1997.
All the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner’s case notes also appear there – more than 280 since 1996. No student, official, legal adviser or privacy officer who is researching privacy law should be without access to the International Privacy Law Library. Happy searching!