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Viewing entries tagged with 'Harmful Digital Communications'

Taking photos on a plane Charles Mabbett
31 January 2018 at 09:13

Can passengers take photos and videos on a plane? An airline approached us seeking guidance because the increasing likelihood of passenger recordings made on board a flight has clear privacy implications for the air crew and the other passengers.

To film or not to film John Edwards
24 August 2016 at 10:51

When you entrust your frail and vulnerable relative to the care of a commercial enterprise, you are entitled to expect a high standard of care. What happens when you suspect that standard is not being met?

Tackling revenge porn Hayley Forrest
15 April 2016 at 14:19

Like all 90’s kids, my worst nightmare used to be that I’d forget to save my level progress in Zool. It’s safe to say that my perception has changed since then.

Harmful digital privacy breaches Sam Grover
29 October 2015 at 11:01

When the Harmful Digital Communications Act (HDCA) passed in June of this year, it brought some changes to the Privacy Act. One of these changes was to section 56, which previously excluded personal, family and household affairs from coverage by the Privacy Act. The effect is that we can now investigate cases stemming from domestic affairs, where the subject matter would be “highly offensive to an ordinary reasonable person”.

Harmful Digital Communications Act: two months in Sam Grover
31 August 2015 at 10:26

For 37 million people, the Ashley Madison data breach is a nightmare scenario. Extremely sensitive, personal information is in the public domain to be perused and abused by anyone takes a mind to do so.

Closing revenge porn loopholes Sam Grover
9 July 2015 at 09:08

When Cardiff man Clayton Kennedy posted an intimate photo of his ex-girlfriend on Facebook, he probably wasn’t thinking about the legalities of his situation. If he had, he (hopefully) would have thought twice, because this week he was given the dubious honour of being the first person to be sentenced under Britain’s new “revenge porn” laws.

Sharing images and not caring Charles Mabbett
3 February 2015 at 14:18

We can all be paparazzi now but that doesn’t mean we should be. That’s no consolation at all to two office workers who were photographed and filmed having sex in a Christchurch office by nearby bar patrons. 

Dear Peta John Edwards
3 June 2014 at 11:13

I enjoy reading Peta Mathias’ weekly advice column. Her advice is practical, pragmatic and witty on subjects ranging from moving on after a relationship to getting cling wrap to adhere to pottery.