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Upping your privacy game with e-learning Feilidh Dwyer
7 November 2019 at 10:00


The new Privacy Act is expected to become law shortly, bringing with it a range of new requirements and obligations, including breach notification.

Short of having the Privacy Commissioner come to your workplace to give a presentation, what’s the best way to learn more about privacy and what you need to do to comply?

Our free e-learning privacy training modules are one of the most popular ways New Zealanders learn about privacy. And it’ll only cost you your time.

Easy to follow, written in plain-English and with real-world examples, these modules are a great way of upping your (or your employees’) knowledge of the Privacy Act.

The upcoming module on the new Privacy Act will cover what’s changing, what’s staying the same, and will outline the new breach notification requirements. This module will be released around the time the Bill becomes law (which we expect before the end of 2019).  

Over 25,000 completions

Since they were first introduced in 2015, more than 25,000 users have completed e-learning modules.  

The most popular of these is Privacy ABC, which has been completed 7,994 times. Privacy ABC is short and to-the-point. Using 11 scenarios, it gives users a quick and ready overview of some key privacy issues - and it takes less than half an hour to do so.

Other modules cover privacy in health, and in employment. We are almost ready to launch our latest module on privacy in schools – watch this space.

Below are the number of completions for each of our e-learning units to date:

 You can check out all our e-learning modules here.
