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The Privacy Commissioner has announced his intention to issue a Biometric Processing Privacy Code of Practice and is calling for submissions on the draft Code.
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Christmas is about giving, but don’t give up your privacy
Watch out for phishing scams, dodgy online stores, and invasive kids toys this holiday season.
Privacy Commissioner announces intent to issue Biometrics Code
The Privacy Commissioner has today announced his intention to issue a Biometrics Code.
Contacting us over summer
Over some of summer our staff won’t be working. You can still tell us about your privacy complaint or notify a breach.
Printable privacy brochures in Traditional and Simplified Chinese
Our privacy brochure in Traditional and Simplified Chinese. These are designed to be printed from a home or office printer.
Printable privacy brochures in Vietnamese
Our privacy brochure in Vietnamese. These are designed to be printed from a home or office printer.
No one should be happy we received over 1000 privacy complaints
OPC's Annual report showed a record number of privacy complaints in the last financial year. Are privacy practices generally poor?
Section 77 and Conciliations
Section 77 of the Privacy Act says that after receiving a complaint and before investigating, a complaint may be resolved by way of conciliation.
Privacy News - November 2024
OPC's Annual Report, an upcoming biometrics announcement, Privacy Week 2025, and an update on the Children's Privacy Project.
Working with third-party providers: understanding your privacy responsibilities
This guidance explains what you must think about when you are choosing a third-party provider and what your ongoing responsibilities are.