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Privacy Week 2023 recordings

About Privacy Week

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner marks Privacy Week each year to promote privacy awareness, inform people of their rights under the Privacy Act, and help educate agencies about their responsibilities.

Privacy Week is held in conjunction with Privacy Awareness Week, an initiative by the Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) network. Find out more about APPA and Privacy Awareness Week

Watch the 2023 Privacy Week recording playlist on our YouTube channel.

Sessions from May 8-14th 2023

How to IPP6 effectively
Open session for anyone
This session was for anyone interested in learning how to respond to a privacy complaint and is especially beneficial for Privacy Officers. Join OPC’s Manager of Investigations and Dispute Resolution Riki Jamieson-Smyth and Senior Investigator, Sarah Warburton, who share their knowledge and experience on how agencies can handle privacy complaints effectively on their own, and also how to work with our Office if a matter escalates. Watch the recording 

Swiping left on privacy; the cost of finding love in the digital age.
Do you like long walks on the beach and giving up your sensitive personal information to faceless mega-corporations? If not, join Wrybill Privacy to talk about the trials and tribulations of finding love in a digital world powered by algorithms. Watch the recording 

Personal information is taonga
Join Liz MacPherson, Deputy Privacy Commissioner, and Dr Claire Achmad, CEO of Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora Aotearoa, who discuss social services and why personal information should be considered taonga. Watch the recording

Ethics and privacy within AI and machine learning technologies
Presenter Jonathan Lake looks at AI and it's many roles. AI can help us with security, but it can also threaten our privacy. AI can make our lives easier, but it can also make us lose control. AI can be fair, but it can also be biased. AI can be transparent, but it can also be mysterious. So how do we make sure AI is used for good and not evil? We need to protect our data, understand how AI works, follow ethical principles, and secure our systems. We need to work together to make AI responsible and beneficial. And we need to have some fun along the way! Watch the recording

Profiling, AI-driven decision-making and the privacy concerns of Kiwis
In this webinar, Annette Mills and Nidhi Tewari share insights from a study into New Zealanders' privacy concerns in the context of digital profiling and AI-driven decision-making. Watch the recording 

Deceived by Design: How New Zealand websites are undermining users' privacy
Ever wonder where the privacy settings are on Facebook? How often do you mindlessly agree to cookie consent pop-ups without thinking? Are you bamboozled by opt-in/out questions? These deceptive tricks are known as “dark patterns” and are interface design techniques that aim to trick or mislead Internet users. In this session, Alex Beattie reveals the degree that dark patterns are present across the New Zealand Internet. Watch the recording 

Contemporary issues in Artificial Intelligence and Privacy
Are you concerned about how the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we approach privacy? Join Andrew Chen and Allyn Robins as they dive into some of the modern AI privacy issues that may not arise in other contexts. Watch the recording 

Carbon wallet for farmers
Trust Alliance Chair, Chris Claridge talks about creating a digital farm wallet for farm enterprises, which firstly verifies digital identity, and then allows for verifiable credentials to be issued to the wallet by issuing agencies. Watch the recording

Māori data sovereignty within Intellectual Property
The recognition of Māori Data Sovereignty requires the recognition of the rights of the collective to data and information. In this session, we consider how we can reconcile these collective rights with the rights to personal information protected under the Privacy Act. Watch the recording 

Why it's time to think about responsible AI
Daimhin Warner and Frith Tweedie of Simply Privacy talk about managing AI risks. Watch the recording

Privacy in the wake of Large Language Models (LLMs)
Marcin Betkier and Annette Mills from the Privacy Foundation discuss the impact of Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, on privacy. How could the LLMs change the online ecosystem and what implications could it have for individuals and communities? Also, as Artificial Intelligence could be a weapon and a tool, what regulators, organisations and individuals could do to mitigate privacy risks? Watch the recording

Privacy through a Digital Identity lens
This panel talks to participants about aspects like digital onboarding, consent, authentication, and account recovery, the crux of people's digital experience and set the scene for what capabilities and tools are needed to comply with the Privacy Act, the Public Records Act and other relevant legislation. This discussion also touches on the emerging tech's potential to do both good and harm to the digital experience. Watch the recording 

Biometrics, the border, TikTok, and whakapapa
This session focusses on biometrics – specifically their use by and relevance to Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa | NZ Customs Service. Presenter, Siobhan Hale-Pennington, starts by considering the use of biometrics based technology at the border, examining Customs’ statutory powers and what happens at both the e-gates and the primary line. Watch the recording 

What Privacy Officers want to know from the security team and how they can help
This webinar covers what a Privacy Officer’s key focus areas are, how they intersect with security professionals, and how security and privacy teams can work together to achieve the best-shared outcomes for their organisations and the customers they serve. Watch the recording

Privacy and children in the social media space
This webinar was not recorded at the request of the presenter.

Privacy and Online Identity: Exploring Algorithmic and Digital identity 
This presentation will discuss two conceptualisations of online identity: algorithmic identity and digital identity. It will provide definitions and examples of these concepts, provide a brief overview of the potential privacy concerns they raise, and suggest some possible mitigations for users of online services. Watch the recording.

Key considerations round children's privacy
Join speakers Leanne Ross and Michael des Tombe to hear about key considerations around children’s privacy in New Zealand with practical tips and advice for parents, teachers and children themselves.
Watch the recording here.

Biometrics - opportunities, risks and the need for regulation
Should stores use facial recognition to identify known shoplifters? How about a venue using facial recognition to deny someone entry because of where they work? As stories like these become more common, privacy regulators around the world have been thinking about the appropriate collection and use of people’s biometric information. Join OPC Policy Advisors Ewan Lincoln and Ella Griffiths to discuss the opportunities, risks and need for regulation in this area. Watch the recording.