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Latest in Statements and media releases

Displaying 1 - 20 of 316

Camera creep/s causing concern

The increasing creep of cameras and concerns about the motivations of people using them is the top issue causing people to seek advice from OPC.

Care is needed with data anonymisation

Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster says agencies using data anonymisation and de-identification techniques are accountable for making sure they protect people

New and updated Ask Us questions

AskUs is our database of questions and short answers about popular privacy topics. We’ve recently made some updates to keep it being a useful resource.

See our Compliance Team's work

Our Compliance Team are responsible for making sure New Zealand's agencies, businesses, and organisations are doing privacy well. Here's their 23/24 work.

How long is 72 hours?

During Privacy Week when we talked about notifying individuals about privacy breaches, we got asked a lot of questions about our guideline around 72 hours.