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27 January 2010

On 28 January, countries throughout Europe are celebrating 'Data Protection Day', an initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission to raise awareness of risks to individual privacy and of citizens' rights under privacy law.

Data Protection Day is Europe's equivalent of the Asia Pacific Privacy Awareness Week, which the Privacy Commissioner announced is to be held on 2-8 May this year.

The Privacy Commissioner, Marie Shroff, said:

'Europe's Data Protection Day is a good opportunity to reflect on the global risks to privacy and the need for global responses. In today's connected economy, what happens today in Nijmegen or Bratislava can impact a New Zealander in Ngaruawahia or Balcutha in a blink of an eye.

'The need for global cooperation has never been more obvious. In addition to the European institutions, both APEC and the OECD are taking major initiatives to enable cross-border enforcement of privacy law, and ISO is developing standards to promote privacy enhancing technologies. After all, privacy protection is vital to ensure that modern business can function efficiently: the clients and employees of those businesses need to know that their information will be appropriately treated, no matter where in the world it might be.

'But everyone has a part to play in protecting privacy.

'Individuals can do a lot to protect their personal information especially on-line. For instance, before starting the new work or school year it's a good time to check that your anti-virus and anti-spyware software is up to date.

'Businesses and government agencies have their part to play too. Poor data management practices put everyone at risk. How secure are those files that staff carry around on a memory stick? Take time to look closely at your company practices and ensure that data is properly protected - including encrypting personal information on memory sticks and laptops.

'2010 will be a particularly significant year in New Zealand as our Law Commission completes its 4 year review of privacy and offers its recommendations to ensure privacy protections for New Zealanders continue to be effective well into the 21st century.

'I encourage individuals and organisations to seek out more information about effectively protecting privacy from my website and other reliable sources.'


For further information contact Cathy Henry 021 509735 or 04 474 7610.

Further resources:

Online information available about:
• Europe Data Protection Day www.coe.int/t/e/legal_affairs/legal_co-operation/data_protection/Default_DP_Day_en.asp
• Asia Pacific Privacy Awareness Week 2010 www.privacyawarenessweek.org/
• Protecting individuals on-line www.netbasics.org.nz/
• Security of portable storage devices like memory sticks www.privacy.org.nz/guidance-note-on-the-use-of-portable-storage-devices/
• Law Commission Privacy Review www.lawcom.govt.nz/ProjectGeneral.aspx

General resources available from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner at www.privacy.org.nz