An agency has interfered with my privacy
If you have a complaint that an agency has interfered with your privacy, you first need to raise your concerns with them. If they don’t respond to your concerns within 30 days, or you’re not happy with their response, you can then lodge a privacy complaint with us.
Fill in the form below to email your complaint to any organisation, business or government agency in New Zealand that they have interfered with your privacy.
Your complaint will be emailed directly to them, with a standard note from us about their obligation to respond to you and by when. You will receive a copy. We will not. Any further communication will be directly between you and them. This tool is simply an easy way for you to lodge your complaint with them.
You must be comfortable with using email to lodge your complaint. Email is not always secure. If your complaint contains personal information that is highly sensitive, we suggest you contact the agency directly instead.
All fields are required unless marked optional.