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Viewing entries tagged with 'education'

Back to school FAQs Charles Mabbett
13 February 2019 at 16:26

As schools and students begin another busy academic year, we often receive enquiries from teachers and other school staff about what they can and can't do with student information. So we've bundled some of these questions and the answers together in the FAQs below. If you are a school teacher or principal reading this, we hope they are a help to you. 

Recording of phone calls at the doctor’s Charles Mabbett
20 September 2016 at 12:57

We are often asked if an employer can record the phone conversations in their workplace. A recent case before the Human Rights Review Tribunal put this question in sharp relief recently and serves as a good guide for employers. The answer is yes, but as you’ll see, conditions do apply.

Some direction on school directories Sam Grover
18 April 2016 at 00:00

If you’re not familiar with school directories, here’s how they work: at the beginning of a school year, some schools publish directories with contact details for each student and his/her parents. That directory is then distributed to each parent. Parents who need to contact one another how have a directory to aid them in doing so. Easy.

Barking dogs and listening devices Joanna Hayward
17 March 2016 at 11:27

Barking dogs can be a real neighbourhood nightmare. Dog owners have a legal obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure their dog’s barking doesn’t cause a nuisance to others.