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Viewing entries tagged with 'IPP11 - disclosure'

Emojis reveal true story in exemplary response to privacy breach Alix Chapman
2 February 2021 at 10:28

When caught out by her employer shopping online during working hours, a woman’s attempt to claim reparations for humiliation and distress was thrown out by the Human Right’s Review Tribunal when a series of light-hearted, emoji-filled messages between the woman and her employer revealed that there was no evidence of harm.

Model contract clauses for sending personal information overseas Charles Mabbett
19 November 2020 at 16:21

The Privacy Act 2020 introduces a change when sending personal information overseas.

Section 54: Getting authorisation to disclose Colin Trotter
21 November 2019 at 10:10

There’s a rarely used part of the Privacy Act which agencies can apply to use, if they want to use personal information to tell affected individuals of an entitlement or to redress a wrong.

Improper disclosure leads to ostracism, death Sam Williams
21 February 2019 at 14:51

The Human Rights Review Tribunal recently found that the Parole Board breached the Privacy Act when it disclosed an offender’s parole address, with tragic consequences.

Back to school FAQs Charles Mabbett
13 February 2019 at 16:26

As schools and students begin another busy academic year, we often receive enquiries from teachers and other school staff about what they can and can't do with student information. So we've bundled some of these questions and the answers together in the FAQs below. If you are a school teacher or principal reading this, we hope they are a help to you. 

Disclosing mental health information Charles Mabbett
8 November 2018 at 15:52

As a government inquiry into mental health and addiction concludes later this month, we thought it was an opportune moment to discuss some of the common concerns that can arise about disclosing mental health information.

When can you withhold sensitive employment information? Ophelia Waite
22 August 2018 at 16:52

When a person makes a request for personal information, the agency responding to the request is entitled to withhold the information, if one of the exceptions to principle 6 of the Privacy Act applies.

Do you really need that information? Shaun Ritchie
7 February 2018 at 16:10

Knowledge is power – a cliché, sure, but for a reason. As an agency, the more you know about your clients, the more effective your service can be. It makes sense to gather as much information as possible about the people you interact with. So why wouldn’t you?