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Viewing entries tagged with 'IPP6 - access'

Confirming a requester’s identity Charles Mabbett
17 October 2017 at 16:55

Let’s recap. The Privacy Act gives people the right to access their information. And when a person requests their information, the organisation or business must respond to the request within 20 working days.

Information about a car can be personal Charles Mabbett
11 October 2017 at 14:49

You have the right not to remain silent – and that includes when you think you might have been overcharged for work done on your car.

Advice for small organisations when there’s a complaint Charles Mabbett
13 September 2017 at 09:52

If yours is a small business or organisation, there’s every chance you may be fairly inexperienced in what to do if you receive a request for personal information. But we hope you are at least aware that the Privacy Act gives people the right to make a request for information that is about them.

How much can I charge for information? Sam Grover
4 August 2017 at 09:17

Charging for information is a subject that comes up in complaints made to us from time to time.

Tribunal finds confusion over request led to delay Annabel Fordham
14 June 2017 at 11:58

Mr Brooks was an active Taekwondo competitor and a long-time member of the Taekwondo Union of New Zealand (TUNZ). He represented New Zealand in the 2005 World Championships and the 2006 Commonwealth Championships.

Should agencies leave no stone unturned? Charles Mabbett
10 May 2017 at 09:31

Organisations sometimes get it wrong when they respond to a person’s request for their personal information. Information is sometimes lost, displaced or accidentally deleted. A recent privacy case dealt with by the Human Rights Review Tribunal considers when an organisation can call it quits when it comes to searching for personal information in responding to an access request.

How to make information available – some tips for agencies Lynley Cahill
4 April 2017 at 14:32

We live in an age where agencies collect and hold a lot of information about us. When we then request access to that information, this places demands on the time and resources of agencies to meet their obligations under the Privacy Act. Agencies sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed when responding to requests for personal information -  especially where a high volume of information is held.

Me and AboutMe Nicole Walker
17 March 2017 at 11:05

I recently received a bill from a local authority relating to work carried out on my property before I bought it. I was not responsible for the bill and I had challenged it successfully on three previous occasions. But it kept coming back.