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Viewing entries tagged with 'IPP6 - access'

Having access to security camera footage Charles Mabbett
24 January 2017 at 10:11

In an echo of a case we investigated last year, a Welsh court has given a British man who was injured in a Welsh police cell access to security camera footage of the incident.

Choose your referees wisely Richard Stephen
20 October 2016 at 10:06

Applying for a job can be a nerve-wracking ordeal and, more likely than not, it ends in disappointment. It can be devastating to miss out on that dream job and not knowing why you missed out can be incredibly frustrating.

ACC withheld information from chiropractor about investigation Charles Mabbett
4 October 2016 at 16:05

A chiropractor being investigated by ACC made numerous requests for information about the investigation. When ACC withheld some of the information, he complained to the Privacy Commissioner, and then took his case to the Human Rights Review Tribunal.

Health info: The right to know made easy Marilyn Andrew
31 May 2016 at 10:52

Mrs Patel was outraged. She’d visited her GP for a follow-up check after her hand surgery, and he’d asked her about her history of depression. She didn’t think she’d had anything of the sort, and decided to ask the receptionist for a copy of all her medical notes to see what else was in there. The young receptionist assured her that the doctor owned the notes so she couldn’t have them. 

Going undercover to check out credit reporters Vanya Vida
27 May 2016 at 00:00

There are three main credit reporting agencies in New Zealand: Centrix, Veda and Dun & Bradstreet. According to Veda, a thousand people a year challenge the information held in their credit files. This is a right people have under the Privacy Act – to see information agencies hold about them, and request a correction if it’s wrong.

Privacy rights of Christmas Island deportees Charles Mabbett
19 January 2016 at 09:33

The ongoing issue of New Zealand citizens with criminal records being deported from Australia has prompted questions as to what their privacy rights are under Australian law and whether they can access those rights from New Zealand.

$15,000 award shows need to follow workplace policy Charles Mabbett
17 August 2015 at 10:05

People have a right to access information about themselves. When workplace policies reinforce this right, it is risky to deviate from them. This was recently underlined in a Human Rights Review Tribunal decision to award a former Capital Coast DHB (CCDHB) nurse $15,000 for being denied information about a harassment complaint she made against her manager.

Holmes vs Housing New Zealand Charles Mabbett
14 August 2015 at 16:27

A Housing New Zealand tenant who found himself in a bureaucratic limbo when he complained to several agencies about a noisy neighbour has been awarded $400 damages.