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Viewing entries tagged with 'complaints'

How OPC works to settle complaints Bronwyn Curtis and Hamish Flanagan
15 June 2021 at 10:04

The Privacy Act empowers the Privacy Commissioner to receive complaints about breaches of the Privacy Act. The Act compels the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) to focus on settling complaints and preventing any issues they give rise to from re-occurring.

What is a “compliance advice letter”? Julia Broughton
9 September 2019 at 10:29

Investigating complaints is an important function of our office and a considerable part of our workload. When we receive a complaint, we make an initial assessment about what steps we will take next. In some circumstances, we will investigate. In other instances, our office may decline to investigate.

Touch, pause, engage – dealing with privacy in sports clubs Elizabeth Kim
5 June 2019 at 10:22

New Zealand is generally an engaged country, and most of you reading this will be part of or will have been members of a club at some point. Whether it is a swimming, softball or rugby club or a miniature horse society, you will have been involved in one or know someone who is in one.

Privacy beyond the grave Richard Stephen
24 July 2018 at 08:51

Generally the Privacy Act doesn’t apply to deceased people. This is because the Privacy Act protects the rights of “individuals”, and section 2 of the Act defines an individual as a “natural person, other than a deceased person”.

Tribunal strikes out privacy case Charles Mabbett
4 July 2018 at 10:24

A recent privacy case shows it is in nobody’s interests to waste the Human Rights Review Tribunal’s time.

Advice for doctors when there’s a complaint Charles Mabbett
13 February 2018 at 12:14

If you work in a small practice or medical centre, there’s every chance you may not have received many requests for personal information from patients. The starting point is to know that the Privacy Act gives people the right to make a request for information that is about them.

What's your complaint worth? Riki Jamieson-Smyth
15 November 2017 at 11:10

We often get asked about how much a complaint is “worth” in settlement terms, by both complainants and respondents. To be honest, very few of our complaints settle for money. The resolution is usually non-financial, like the release of information or a decent apology.

Shaming and blaming Charles Mabbett
15 November 2017 at 10:43

Should a business use social media to shame scam artists, shoplifters or bad debtors? When someone feels ripped off, this appears a natural course of action but it is a risky path to go down. Our advice is if you believe you have evidence that a crime has been committed, contact Police.