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Me and AboutMe Nicole Walker
17 March 2017 at 11:05

I recently received a bill from a local authority relating to work carried out on my property before I bought it. I was not responsible for the bill and I had challenged it successfully on three previous occasions. But it kept coming back. 

How to say sorry Lynley Cahill
13 February 2017 at 16:47

Here at the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, we have a statutory duty to use our best endeavours to resolve complaints. Many complaints are resolved when the respondent agency simply apologises to the complainant.

Centrelink hits trouble with information matching Charles Mabbett
10 February 2017 at 10:30

The controversy embroiling Centrelink, the Australian government agency that provides welfare payments, shows no sign of abating as a public and political backlash continues over its apparent mishandling of a debt recovery programme.

Beware the phishers Charles Mabbett
9 February 2017 at 12:53

The salutation on the email simply said “Hi”. It arrived at 4.36am on a public holiday in the inbox of a public facing email address, and it appeared to have been sent from a personal email address belonging to the organisation’s chief executive.

Breach Case 1: Name your documents clearly Neil Sanson
8 February 2017 at 14:01

It is so easy to send the wrong attachment with an email, especially if the documents you are selecting to attach are not clearly and distinctly named. We see this type of breach fairly regularly so we thought we’d highlight it in this post.

Is your back-to-school photo privacy proof? Nicola Clark
3 February 2017 at 14:53

As tots, tweens and teens head back to school after what has been a ‘somewhat ok’ summer, the annual ‘first day at school’ pics are flooding Facebook feeds around New Zealand. As young kiwis, sporting school uniforms and new backpacks with iPads in hand head off to school, a sigh of relief can be heard around the country from relieved parents.

Concession travel and privacy in NSW Nicole Walker
1 February 2017 at 11:46

Many people in New Zealand - such as students and the elderly - use a concession that gives them a free or subsidised fare on public transport. In order to assess whether someone is eligible for these concession cards, the transport provider collects personal information. This information includes things like student ID cards, tertiary student ID cards or other photo ID. 

Tribunal awards partial costs to Police in privacy case Charles Mabbett
31 January 2017 at 09:16

You can act for yourself in the Human Rights Review Tribunal but the way you conduct your case could lead to you having to pay the costs of the other side.