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Viewing entries tagged with 'cybersecurity'

No certainty in security Neil Sanson
24 April 2018 at 13:32

CERT NZ recently released their quarterly report for October to December 2017.

Breach Case 2: Don't bite when a phisher calls Neil Sanson
20 March 2017 at 14:42

A recent data breach involved a deliberate email phishing* attack on an industry organisation. The email purported to come from the chief executive and requested a copy of the membership list (names and email addresses).

Fancy Bears hack shows spear phishing threat Charles Mabbett
7 October 2016 at 15:00

Nobody likes their health information being made public. But for Olympic athletes, this has become an occupational hazard as allegations of cheating and the use of performance-enhancing drugs are exchanged between those found to be guilty and those who are clean.

Making stronger passwords Charles Mabbett
5 July 2016 at 09:50

If ‘open sesame’ was a password, just remember how in the tale of Ali Baba it didn’t work out so well for the 40 thieves and their treasure trove. Consider then how well an easy-to-guess password will protect yours.

GCSB director on surveillance, oversight and CORTEX Charles Mabbett
2 October 2015 at 10:18

The GCSB does not undertake mass surveillance of New Zealanders. It was a message that the acting head of New Zealand’s foreign intelligence agency, Una Jagose, reiterated in Wellington this week, as well revealing details about the Bureau’s cyber-security work.

This kind of pen tester doesn't test pens Neil Sanson
22 December 2014 at 10:35

Pen testers are the people who hack into websites or systems connected to the internet to test whether they have been securely designed and implemented. Pen test is short for penetration testing and nothing to do with making sure ink flows when required from writing implements.

Supporting Connect Smart Charles Mabbett
16 June 2014 at 09:21

This week is Connect Smart week. That means you will see and hear about a number of initiatives that underline the need to be cyber-savvy and for people to do more to protect themselves online. The internet is home to networked convenience and fast information but it is also where identity theft, fraud and other kinds of nefarious things happen.