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Viewing entries tagged with 'data'

Berlin Group comes to Queenstown Charles Mabbett
18 December 2018 at 15:16

Privacy and data protection commissioners from around the globe gathered in Queenstown on 29-30 November for the 64th meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommunications (IWGDPT).

In Europe discussing information as a weapon and privacy John Edwards
30 October 2018 at 15:42

Last week was a big week for privacy internationally. Privacy Commissioners and Data Protection Authorities met in Brussels for their annual conference for the 40th time.

Making a smart move Sophie Richardson
23 August 2018 at 10:29

One of the key observations in a new report on making our transport infrastructure more efficient is to not repeat information handling mistakes made overseas.

UN Special Rapporteur’s consultation on Big Data-Open Data Joanna Hayward and Michael Harrison
15 August 2018 at 10:05

We recently participated in a two-day consultation on Big Data-Open Data at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney. The session was convened by Professor Joseph Cannataci, the United Nations Special Rapporteur for Privacy.

Keeping in with Europe on data protection Charles Mabbett
10 August 2018 at 12:21

In a move that signals the European Union’s (EU) intention to establish trade agreements with Asia Pacific partners, the EU has formally recognised Japan as having an adequate level of data protection to that of EU countries.

Meeting with privacy peers in Europe and America John Edwards
10 July 2018 at 10:26

The importance of international collaboration in privacy and data protection continues to increase. Our news feeds and inboxes have been filled with the new European data protection regulations, the GDPR, in recent months, as well as compliance and enforcement issues over data giants who cross borders and collect personal information from billions of people.

No certainty in security Neil Sanson
24 April 2018 at 13:32

CERT NZ recently released their quarterly report for October to December 2017.

Breach Case 7: Rubbishing privacy Neil Sanson
5 April 2018 at 16:54

A recent data breach incident provided an example of how your responsibility to protect personal information does not end when you put the rubbish out for collection.