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Viewing entries tagged with 'data'

When governments get data protection wrong Charles Mabbett
2 August 2017 at 13:01

“I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” The former US President Ronald Reagan famously said these were the “nine most terrible words in the English language” that anyone could expect to hear.

Making privacy tick Sophie Richardson
5 July 2017 at 15:15

How far can you trust a product or service with your personal information? Our office wants to create a way for consumers to know if they are using a service or product that will protect their privacy and personal information.

Breach Case 4: Testing with real data Neil Sanson
9 June 2017 at 13:03

Sometimes it seems a good idea to use real production data in a test environment. But doing so means security becomes even more important if you want to stop things going wrong.

Breach Case 3: Catches win matches Neil Sanson
7 April 2017 at 10:39

A recent data breach provided an example of how it is sometimes possible to catch a breach as it is happening and avert potential harm.

Breach Case 2: Don't bite when a phisher calls Neil Sanson
20 March 2017 at 14:42

A recent data breach involved a deliberate email phishing* attack on an industry organisation. The email purported to come from the chief executive and requested a copy of the membership list (names and email addresses).

Centrelink hits trouble with information matching Charles Mabbett
10 February 2017 at 10:30

The controversy embroiling Centrelink, the Australian government agency that provides welfare payments, shows no sign of abating as a public and political backlash continues over its apparent mishandling of a debt recovery programme.

Beware the phishers Charles Mabbett
9 February 2017 at 12:53

The salutation on the email simply said “Hi”. It arrived at 4.36am on a public holiday in the inbox of a public facing email address, and it appeared to have been sent from a personal email address belonging to the organisation’s chief executive.

Breach Case 1: Name your documents clearly Neil Sanson
8 February 2017 at 14:01

It is so easy to send the wrong attachment with an email, especially if the documents you are selecting to attach are not clearly and distinctly named. We see this type of breach fairly regularly so we thought we’d highlight it in this post.